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Thursday, May 28, 2009

What's Wrong With Today's Music?

What's wrong with today's music? Unfortunately, there are several answers to this question and none of them good. Disposable "one-hit wonder" acts (*Cough* Lady Gaga) liter the soundscape. Once edgy and amazing bands (*Cough* Jane's Addiction) have commodified their edgy and amazing music (*Cough* Guitar Hero Nothing Shocking) and devolved into bloated dinosaurs. Concert and festival (*Cough* Lollapalooza $190) ticket prices are nausatingly high. How did things get to this point? Another question is how can things improve? Well in order to answer these questions it's important to recognize that the music industry is in the hands of artists but business school MBAs who are out to market and sell a product. This product is music. The music that you play to unwind from a stressful work day, to mend your broken heart, to seduce that special someone or to feed your soul? Yep that music. It's all about business and making money. The more units of CDs that are produced the more the money the CEOs at Warner, Columbia, Universal Music and RCA can make. Fortunately, it doesn't have to be this way. Remember, we music fans are waist deep in those digital music revolution. Hell, I don't have to pay $15 dollars for CDs from the corporate thugs. I can burn songs using my file-sharing software and post them on my website if I want to. I believe the Internet and digital musical revolution can save music. The music that you play to unwind from a stressful work day, to mend your broken heart, to seduce that special someone or to feed your soul. Yep that music.

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